One of the most useful activities for most children of any age is origami paper crafts of varying complexity.
The essence of the game is simple and that you need to look at the origami craft schemes for children, then choose the most suitable one in your opinion, and then fold the paper according to the instructions.
Of course, do-it-yourself origami crafts are not only ordinary fun, but also real creative lessons that make it possible to actively develop fine motor skills of children's hands, as well as imagination.
Many parents make new origami crafts together with their children, and most of them noted that this game has a huge number of different advantages compared to others.
Why is origami useful?
It will be difficult to list all the advantages of crafts from modular origami. But the most important thing is that, thanks to a fairly simple, at first glance, game, the child gradually learns to fold paper, cut it, and also glue and bend it accordingly.
Most of the modern games that parents have to buy for their children for development purposes are quite expensive, but paper is the material that is always in excess in any home.
Origami Benefits
Firstly, during the creation of any toys, the child actively develops fine motor skills, because the child learns to carefully monitor the progress of his thoughts, as well as consciously create interesting crafts.
Secondly, thanks to origami, the baby's attention is concentrated on any one subject, which teaches him to really focus.
Thirdly, deciding to learn how to make origami crafts with your child, you will thus stimulate his imagination, as well as imagination.
Fourth, such a game contributes to the development of the child’s memory, because in order to end up with a figure, it is imperative to remember the sequence of performing absolutely all actions.
Fifth, thanks to the creation of crafts, the child learns to work with scissors, and other tools that he will have to face at school.
In addition, such a joint passion allows to unite all family members. If you occasionally stack even the lightest origami with your child, gradually imperceptibly switching to more difficult and interesting schemes, the child will definitely be properly prepared for class at the school, as he will already have various skills and minimal knowledge in a science like geometry.
Make a mouse
If you are looking at photo of origami crafts and want to try to make a light figure with your child for the first time, then a mouse is an ideal option.
The sequence should be as follows:
- Fold a white sheet in the shape of a square from left to right, and then straighten it.
- In order to eventually get a sheet in the shape of a triangle, you must carefully bend the sheet from top to bottom.
- Fold the resulting sheet in a straight line to the left. It is important to capture approximately 1/3 of 1/2 of the final product. That is, it is necessary to make sure that the edge does not reach the middle in any case.
- Gently bend the corner of the sheet using the ruler to the right. Make sure that the edge on the left lies necessarily along an imaginary vertical axis, conventionally drawn in the middle of the sheet.
- Fold the bottom of the sheet with a ruler, without touching the center triangle.
- Expand the corner of the resulting central triangle and slightly bend it gently back so that the crease comes out.
- On the triangle that turned out it remains only to draw eyes, nose and mouth of the mouse with a pencil.
Of course, performing light origami with children is one of the most exciting games, which is also very useful for a child of almost any age.
In addition, thanks to the true variety of various schemes of almost any complexity, even an adult can find origami crafts to their taste.
The peculiarity of creating crafts also lies in the fact that when creating various figures, not only fantasy, but also thinking, is actively developing, which is especially important in the modern world.
Origami crafts photo