Almost all of us have unnecessary newspapers and various magazines and other printed paper products. Many try, of course, to get rid of all this, but do not do this.
The fact is that from old newspapers you can make a variety of crafts with your own hands, while you can make various things that are necessary in the house or decorate the interior of your room well.
The newspaper is very easy to process and there is no need to exert any titanic efforts to do any useful thing. Therefore, to make crafts from the newspaper with your own hands, you can connect children as assistants who have a great desire and interest to do something interesting and useful.
At the moment, one of the most interesting and sought-after areas of do-it-yourself newspaper articles is considered to be the weaving of newspaper tubes.
It should be noted that this lesson is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. Here you need to clearly understand all the subtleties and nuances of weaving, and if all this is well studied, then you can do a lot of different and funny things that will appeal to both children and adults.
So, for example, you can make a variety of decorative boxes, caskets, baskets, vases and decorative saucers, in general for everything that is enough of the imagination.
Also in this article are many bright and colorful photo crafts from newspaper tubes.
However, before starting the creative process, it is necessary to prepare the source material from which the weaving process will begin.
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How to make a vine from a newspaper?
Many wicker elements can very well combine with the interior of almost any room, so most owners of suburban or private houses would be especially happy to decorate their premises in this style.
However, the vine used in weaving can cost significant financial costs, but in this case you can look at cheaper and more affordable material - these are ordinary old newspapers from which you can make woven crafts, while the cost will be minimal.
So, just before you start, you need to make a large number of blanks, of which later some interesting work will be done. Therefore, first you need to cut the newspaper across, strips of the same size, then take a knitting needle and wind a newspaper strip on it, resulting in a thin and beautiful tube, and so on until a large number of blanks are collected.
At the same time, it is recommended to paint the finished tubes with paints in the desired color, since when weaving it can be combined with color shades.
Newspaper Gift Basket
One of the elementary crafts of newspaper tubes is a rectangular or square basket. This design is not particularly difficult, it can be done by almost anyone.
For the manufacture of this product will have to use a rectangular or square piece of cardboard, glue and scissors will also be needed.
So, it is necessary to stick several tubes on the prepared cardboard form, while the distance between them should not exceed more than 2 cm.
Next, you need to bend each tube at the edge of the cardboard up, only you need to do this so that the shape of the cardboard is at the bottom, and the tubes protrude up. Then the base of the frame is ready and you can begin to weave.
Weaving itself looks like this: from the bottom horizontally we set the workpiece between the vertical elements and so on to the very top. If the tube is over, then a new tube is put on its tip, pre-lubricated with glue and continue the weaving process further.
Upon reaching the required height, all the excess must be fastened together somewhere, well glued somewhere. For a longer product life, it is coated with a special varnish.
Thus, from ordinary newspaper tubes you can make a rather interesting and beautiful basket, which will certainly be useful in the house.
At the same time, when experience and skills come in the weaving process, it is possible to make new crafts from newspaper tubes, more complex and uncomplicated in form.
In this case, almost any thing that may be needed in the house, for example, a wall shelf for storing small and light objects or souvenirs, can be made from tubules.
Children's crafts
A very funny and fascinating activity with paper can be found for kids. In this case, we will talk about an interesting style of working with paper as a papier-mâché.
Such an occupation will not leave indifferent any child, while the baby will learn certain subtleties of working with paper, with scissors and glue. And most importantly, the child will like it and cognitively.
So, first you need to take the main element when creating paper crafts, this is the plate that will be the basis of the future product.
The plate itself is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly, then small pieces of a white napkin dipped in water are placed on it, this process must be done until the napkin closes the plate completely, only after that it is recommended to use a newspaper.
The newspaper also needs to be torn into pieces of small sizes in a diameter of 3-4 cm, but no more.
All pieces of the newspaper soaked in water must be settled on the top layer of the napkin, this operation must be done in several layers, it is recommended to carry out no more than 7 layers.
After each layer, it is necessary to smooth the entire surface with a brush to evenly distribute pieces of newspapers. A white napkin is applied with the last layer, after that it is necessary to smooth and smooth everything with a brush again, and only then the product must be left to dry for one or two days.
After complete drying, the product can be removed from the mold. It’s clear that during the process, rough edges could appear, but this can be carefully corrected with scissors.
And the finished product can be painted in different colors, or applied to some pattern, and finally a thin layer of transparent varnish can be applied to the finished plate in the style of papier-mâché.
As a result of this, an interesting and original do-it-yourself newspaper article will be produced, which can be installed in a prominent place.
Picture from magazines
Almost every house has old illustrated magazines, someone gets rid of them by throwing it in the trash, and someone stores it to hand over waste paper.
But do not rush into this, as paper magazines can be made from such magazines. In this case, the only thing that may be required is to cut out various pictures from the magazine and stick them on a piece of paper, resulting in an uncomplicated picture that is filled with a certain meaning.
Photo crafts from newspaper tubes