When there are children in the family, it is important to properly organize their leisure time, especially in the summer cottage, when the parents are busy in the garden. Improvement of the children's play area begins with the idea of decorating the sandbox with your own hands.
Today, many interesting options have been proposed - from multi-level structures in the form of ships with sails to the simplest circle of tires. But not only the original design and convenience is important, but also the safety of the place for the exciting game of children.
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What materials are used for the construction of country sandboxes
The cottage is the place where, for the sake of economy, everything that was expected to be used in a garage, a barn, on a balcony and mezzanines is used.
Much of the delayed “just in case” is also suitable for a playground with a children's sandbox:
- bricks and foam blocks;
- wooden chocks and whetstones;
- trimming boards;
- old skis;
- pieces of tarpaulin and camouflage net;
- plastic bottles;
- bald tires.
The presence of a suitable material determines the shape, size and height of the sides of the constructed sandbox.
For maximum convenience and hygiene, it should have:
- cap;
- awning, canopy or "fungus";
- plane for laying out the "apiary";
- bench or seat;
- a place to store scoops, rakes, molds and buckets.
If necessary, buy some materials. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the paint, which open the sides of the sandboxes. It should be non-toxic, odorless, dry quickly and not stick to fingers.
It is advisable to carry out painting work in the absence of children, showing the finished result as a gift, as a photo of a sandbox in bright colors.
Tips of teachers and doctors
The sandbox is needed not only to keep the child busy, it is useful for its development.
The construction of the figures develops spatial thinking, fine motor skills and creativity of the baby. Two or three companions in one sandbox - the ability to communicate and learns to build relationships.
If children have too developed possessive ambitions, it is advisable to build several departments with sand and give their inventory.
To the quality of sand in the sandboxes in the country, as well as kindergartens, special requirements are made. Best of all is fresh river or quarry sand, which is surely sieved, removing large fractions, glass and garbage.
During the game, it gradually crumbles and spreads over the site, clogged with dust and garden vegetation. Over time, it is not only refilled, but also changed 2-3 times during the summer.
From a shower, sand is covered with a lid or dense polyethylene, secured along the edges with weighting materials. Worst of all, if stray cats or birds sitting on top of a tree got into the habit of spoiling him. It threatens with worms and other parasites, as well as infectious diseases.
The children's sandbox should be closed from unexpected "visitors", and the crap sand should be taken out of the site. A convenient cover for sand is easy to build from the remains of old furniture, an inflatable boat and other improvised materials.
Choosing a site for a children's sandbox
A favorite place for children's games with sand is desirable to ennoble. A lawn or paving slab is much better than an abandoned lawn with roots and branches.
Ideally, a cultivated place with a green lawn, but gradually it will be covered with sand. A sandbox can be built among flower gardens, right next to the garden path in landscape design, when there is no other place.
The best location for the playground is opposite the kitchen windows, where mother and grandmother often cook. The kid will be in sight, but no one will distract him from the exciting game.
Tip: If there is no suitable place at all (around the garden and the kitchen garden), the mobile sandbox in the form of a box on wheels can be moved under the window or removed to another place on the hard surface of the courtyard.
But you need to be very careful when a car or motorcycle drives into the yard.
Note: It is undesirable to build a sandbox under a tree, from which flowers, branches, leaves and ripe fruits are showered. Wasps and flies, which are unsafe for children, flock to rotting fruits. Caterpillars may fall from the branches. When processing trees from garden pests, toxic chemicals can get into the sandbox.
How to make an inexpensive country sandbox do it yourself
The simplest round-shaped structure is made of a large tire. In this case, sandbox drawings and additional costs are not needed.
- On the prepared site, mark the place where the tire with sand will stand.
- The bottom is fixed on the ground or paved area with metal pins, you can partially deepen the tire.
- The bottom of the "bulk reservoir" is covered with tarpaulin so that living creatures from the ground do not crawl into the sand.
- The surface of the tire is painted at its discretion, but can be left uncoated.
- Nearby it is desirable to establish a bench and an awning, but a beach umbrella is sufficient if the child is rarely in the country.
Another option is a classic square or rectangular sandbox with wooden sides. It is made from the remains of a trim board 20-30 cm high. For the simplest design, you need a drawing to accurately calculate the consumption of materials and mark out the sawing of the boards.
It is convenient for children when there are benches or triangular crossbars in the corners on the sides, on top there is an awning from the sun or a “fungus”, as in the photo.
For 2-3 kids it is better to make a spacious sand box. Any design in the corners is fixed with pegs. It is better to pave the bottom with a hollow brick - excellent drainage and a solid foundation.
Most of all, children like colorful sandboxes of arbitrary shape from stumps or in the form of attractive objects.
There are more complex ideas for designing a sandbox in landscape design - a whole children's town with slides and houses. For the construction of a rocket, a boat, a typewriter or a mansion, large expenses and the hands of the master are needed.
If there is no grandfather or dad in the family who can make a real summer masterpiece under the sand, do not deny the kid such joy. You can invite a specialist profile company by showing him a photo example from our gallery.
DIY sandbox photo