If you want an ordinary metropolitan apartment to resemble an outwardly inimitable in beauty place, then in order to achieve this, you can use one of the most popular methods today.
Some invite designers home, and someone simply takes the initiative in their own hands and looks for how to make a lamp with their own hands, in order to quickly and easily transform the space in the apartment of their choice.
Of course, in order to start work, in any case, you will need a certain amount of various improvised material, as well as some knowledge in the assembly and subsequent installation of electrical appliances.
If you did not have to deal with the latter before, then you should not immediately get upset, since absolutely all the rules can be found in the public domain on the Internet and there is nothing complicated in them.
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Basic principles of faithful lighting in the room
The use of absolutely any lighting device must first of all meet the main principle - ensuring accurate access of light to a predetermined space.
Where and how the light source will be located in the future will certainly affect the overall picture of the perception of the interior of the room.
Moreover, if you look at the photo of the lamp, then the following goals become apparent:
- To achieve the maximum working atmosphere;
- Create an interesting decorative effect for relaxation;
- Focus on a specific part of the room;
- To illuminate locally the space necessary, for example, exclusively for personal needs.
Thanks to the installation of a table lamp, it is quite easy to achieve high-quality access to lighting in a particular place.
What color scheme will be fashionable this season?
Of course, the lamp shade for the lamp plays a special role in the external transformation of the room. So, for example, if the design of the room was originally made exclusively in dark shades, then in order to enliven the general appearance of the room a little, for example, you can make the desk lamp be bright green.
Another interesting way to give the room originality is to paint the simplest ceiling with interesting lines and even geometric patterns.
Most designers recommend using this option if the room was originally made in warm enough colors. It is worth noting that this option is not recommended for use in children's rooms, since lighting in any tone will be more familiar to them.
Speaking of exclusively neutral color schemes, various monochrome shades are especially distinguished, as well as the sea-green color, golden, pink shades, popular this season. Any of these colors can lift your spirits in just a few minutes.
Procedure for creating a lamp
Despite the fact that many are confident that it is extremely difficult to make a lamp with your own hands, in fact, you will need only a few simple elements to work, which can be purchased in almost any store and in general, creating a lamp does not differ in difficult moments in work.
The first thing to do is to make a detailed plan for yourself. This is necessary in order to have a clear idea of how much material will be spent on the installation of electrics in the future.
In addition, it is necessary to make measurements in the room, namely to find out what distance is from the location of the device to the point where in the future it can be connected to the network.This will also affect how much money you have to spend.
It is also important to make sure that the assembly and subsequent installation process is completely safe.
If you assume that work in any case will necessarily involve direct contact with various chemicals, then it is worthwhile to prepare an apron, gloves with glasses, as well as a forced hood.
Security measures are definitely not something to neglect, because when creating a lamp with your own hands, the process should give you extremely pleasant emotions.
DIY lamp photo