Ready-made aquariums can be bought at any of the pet stores: sometimes empty, and sometimes with fish. But sometimes people ask themselves: "How to make an aquarium with your own hands, and is it possible?".
Of course available! The aquarium is easy to build with your own hands, using the necessary materials at hand, and, of course, instructions. After all, it sometimes happens that a large aquarium from a store is inconvenient to bring to your home: either there is no transport, or there is a fear that the product will be damaged.
In such cases, you have to build an aquarium for fish at home yourself.
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How to get started?
Photos of the aquarium are available on the Internet, and they come in a variety of types, sizes and shapes.
Before starting work on creating an aquarium, you should have such materials at hand in your arsenal as:
- Special aquarium glue;
- Gun for dosing and distribution of silicate glue;
- Glass cutting scissors or nail files;
- Tape for the implementation of painting;
- Ruler or retractable centimeter;
- Normal sponge (a couple of pieces);
- Cloths made of natural fabrics.
After this, you should determine the type and type of glass that is suitable specifically for the aquarium.
The first thing you should pay attention to is the thickness of the selected glass. Thick and durable glass is selected for the bottom of the aquarium, since after filling the aquarium with water, the pressure goes exactly down, as well as on the walls of the aquarium.
It still depends on the capacity and the size of the aquarium, if they are large, then the thickness should be more by a few centimeters.
If you select the wrong width for the future aquarium, then subsequently you can get an undesirable result, cracks in the glass and the flow of water from it.
The filter for the aquarium is easiest to purchase from a store, but you can also make it yourself from a compressor. Detailed instructions can be found on the Internet.
The cover for the aquarium is made of special organic glass or plastic. The key to making a lid is to know the exact dimensions of the aquarium.
In modern times, a very practical material for the manufacture of the lid is polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
The arsenal of tools in the process is a key link. After all, without improvised tools, nothing can be built. With the proper selection of tools you are guaranteed a positive result at the end.
Usually, a rectangular shape of the aquarium is made at home, and this is done in this way:
For example, take the manufacture of an aquarium with a capacity of 20 liters. The first step is to measure the glass for the side walls, for the bottom and the two remaining sides (back and front).
It is necessary to prepare an action plan so that the glass for the bottom remains inside the vertically arranged glass walls. Glue connects better by stretching.
All sides of the glass at the bonding points should also be glued with masking tape. This prevents contamination of the glass between each other.
A few drops of silicone should be distributed on the bottom glass. After some time, you need to cut off the hardened layer of silicone.
The connection of the front and back should be carried out on a table, which is pre-coated with a large plastic film.
Excess silicone should be squeezed between the connected glasses carefully and carefully so as not to damage the glass.
After all parts are glued, leave them alone for 2-3 hours. After 2-3 hours, an additional layer of silicone glue is applied to the joints so that the design is a solid, ready-made aquarium. At the end of the seams, clean off excess with a razor blade.
You can install a lamp for the aquarium inside. Ready-made lamps are purchased and are inserted into the aquarium using equipment.
You can design a background in an aquarium in a different style. But many resort to the ideas of the marine motive, to the drawings of algae, to blue and turquoise tones.
It happens that people hire specialists to design an individual design for their aquarium.
Ideally, when the background of the aquarium is combined with fish that swim in the aquarium, as well as with the style of the aquarium. You can decorate the aquarium and externally, but so that this decor does not interfere with the inhabitants of the aquarium.
DIY aquarium photo